Ep 445: Professional Help


“I’ve had dreams where I have a cock and I’m face fucking a chick against a wall.” I have a question, why is it when alcohol is involved in a news story we read, they never have that in the headline, but more times than not when marijuana was found on the person, it’s always…… Continue reading Ep 445: Professional Help

Ep 444: Neck Chicken


“Who kept fucking her, seriously?” What a wonderful episode of the Jamhole. We tried to do something a little different on this episode. I created some sound clips to play that go along with one of our topics. I would like to do more stuff like this for the show, it’s just very time consuming.…… Continue reading Ep 444: Neck Chicken

Ep 443: Brink of Insanity


“I am super stoked to get my motor skills back, YAY!” Ok then, let’s get back in the swing of things. I got a bit behind on these notes, but we’re catching up. If you ever want to be a guest writer to help me out with some of these show note intro’s, email info@thejamhole.com…… Continue reading Ep 443: Brink of Insanity

Ep 442: Jamhole NYE Special part 3


“See, us being on this shit, is like you ALL the time.” Wow, if you made it this far, I’m very impressed. You must be a hardcore Jamholian. Congratulations to you, and to us for making it alive and well (for the most part) to a new year. Of course, this is part 3, ending…… Continue reading Ep 442: Jamhole NYE Special part 3