TJH 867: Seizure Life

The Jamhole Ep 867

“We are all slaves and monkeys.”

The Jamhole back with you for another fun filled educational episode of our silly little comedy podcast. Thank you all so much for joining us.

Sex toys storage wars!
Sex toys storage wars!

Our RAC FM homie Bbandz does some storage wars style shit. The most recent treasure? Yep, sex toys! I wonder how well sex toys hold their resale value?

End of an Era
End of an Era

Be sure to stream my new album End of an Era! You can find all the links here on!

Shout out to the newest patronus member! We are now 6 strong with 5 paying, almost to our year end goal of 10! If you could all pitch in 5 bucks instead of 3 that would be super dope. Regardless, we appreciate you for hanging with us!

Mat Lee on High Sunday
Mat Lee on High Sunday

I was interviewed on the High Sunday bar keepers show last Sunday! You can find the link here on his Twitch channel. Vid 1 Vid 2

Good to see BJ is feeling better. This ear ache didn’t give birth to any spiders… Yet.

2024 YR4 Asteroid
2024 YR4 Asteroid

A quick Jamhole update on the Asteroid we’ve been tracking. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it’s going to be hitting our planet.

or is it just me?

Are y’all familiar with gold grifters? This is a new trend targeting the olds. If you know an olds, be sure to keep them safe.

mustard dump
Taking a dump…

A mustard company was fined for dumping nasty acidic shit into the Souhegan River over there in New Hampshire.

airplayne meme
hardy har har

Hey Google, is it safe to fly yet? Apparently searches for people wondering that are on the rise. Unlike a lot of these planes.

So how does one survive a plane crash? Easy silly, just make the wings fall off easily. Oh yea, you also want a good crew, and strong seats.

Robert Hendrix
Robert Hendrix

This dude’s mom came to stay at his house to ride out a hurricane, and apparently found his dead girlfriend.

Ice through the Windshield
Ice through the Windshield

New nightmare unlocked! You’re driving down the freeway and a giant chunk of ice hits your windshield.

Dietary supplements are actually not that helpful, depending on what you’re taking. Here’s an article to confirm my bias.

A North Carolina substitute teacher has been suspended after calling students slurs… racial slurs.

Voicemail line for you: 406-204-4687

We’ve got a Telegram channel for the Jamhole! Come hang out and say hi. This is where the live shows are happening when they happen.

You can follow BJ here on X, and here on IG.

Support the show and join our cult… I mean church…. Fuck, I mean community here on the Patronus.

Love Hate
Love Hate
Happy Holidaze
Happy Holidaze
Victory Lap
Victory Lap
The More You Know
The More You Know
Go with the Flow
Go with the Flow
End of an Era
End of an Era
Free Loading
Free Loading
When the Shit gets Shit
When the Shit Gets Shit
The Ritual
The Ritual
Leisure Suit Barry
Leisure Suit Barry
Happy Ending
Happy Ending
Imagine the Smell
Imagine the Smell™
GM Fam!
GM Fam!
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares
Take the Money
Take the Money
Clown Ass Shit House
Bork Bork
Bork Bork

You can find the Jamhole on Spotify and Apple podcasts.

If you would like to donate to the show, hit up the Donate page.

By Finn

Creating dope shit since the chromosome split...