TJH 868: Sins of the Father

The Jamhole Ep 868

“We are not narcissists in the least.”

I should probably tell you that this episode has been posted in the Patronus the night it was recorded. That means it’s been up for about five days as of the writing of this.

Make sure you are streaming End of an Era and all my other music as much as possible so we can get those sweet, sweet royalties!

RIP Gene Hackman
RIP Gene

Rest in peace to Gene Hackman, and his wife, and their dog. They say death comes in threes…

Tropicana bankrupt?
No Pulp, just the way I like it

Tropicana is in financial distress. They need to ask themselves, is the juice still worth the squeeze?

Pompeii popping off!
Pompeii popping off!

Pompeii showing up this week with some crazy sexy culty vibes.

Tennessee showing up this week with women’s clinic doctor getting into some trouble for alleged fraud and sexual misconduct.

Remember the measles?
Remember the measles?

Guess what’s coming back? It’s the measles! Got a death here in Texas, as well as a couple cases in Kentucky.

Some lucky residents in Bucks County Pennsylvania are getting jet fuel to come out of their water. Think of the money you’ll save!

Just curious, do y’all drink your tap water?

Stonehenge dick statues
Stonehenge dick statues

Stonehenge showing up this week with some new research that suggests it was also perhaps, a fertility temple.

Chinese shock torture
Chinese shock torture

This dude got shocked a bunch by his girlfriend, because that’s what you do in China.

Voicemail line for you: 406-204-4687

We’ve got a Telegram channel for the Jamhole! Come hang out and say hi. This is where the live shows are happening when they happen.

You can follow BJ here on X, and here on IG.

Support the show and join our cult… I mean church…. Fuck, I mean community here on the Patronus.

Love Hate
Love Hate
Happy Holidaze
Happy Holidaze
Victory Lap
Victory Lap
The More You Know
The More You Know
Go with the Flow
Go with the Flow
End of an Era
End of an Era
Free Loading
Free Loading
When the Shit gets Shit
When the Shit Gets Shit
The Ritual
The Ritual
Leisure Suit Barry
Leisure Suit Barry
Happy Ending
Happy Ending
Imagine the Smell
Imagine the Smell™
GM Fam!
GM Fam!
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares
Take the Money
Take the Money
Clown Ass Shit House
Bork Bork
Bork Bork

You can find the Jamhole on Spotify and Apple podcasts.

If you would like to donate to the show, hit up the Donate page.

By Finn

Creating dope shit since the chromosome split...