The Jamhole is a FREE comedy podcast broadcasting through the magical tubes and webs of the internet. Beginning in 2008, the show is currently hosted by Mat, BJ, and sometimes Ben.
Check out the Jamhole Guest List to see a fairly comprehensive list of everyone who has ever been on the show, whether rich and famous or poor and nameless. The Book List, as it sounds, is a list of books we’ve read or are currently reading. The Po Box is where you can send us stuff. Like books!
The great thing about podcasts is that you can listen to them whenever you want, wherever you want! Find The Jamhole on Apple Podcasts, check us out on TuneIn, stream us through Spotify, or subscribe to the show with Podcast Addict using the RSS feed.
As soon as we post a new episode of The Jamhole, the feed is automatically updated and iTunes or whatever software you’re using will download the episode. If you are curious about the podcasting medium in general, there’s an informative wiki page here you can read through.
Check out the Live Shows page to see the live events we’ve done.
If you would like to donate to the show, hit up the Donate page.