TJH 827: Survival Mode

The Jamhole Ep 827

“I was sitting there eating nachos.”

Thanks for checking out a fresh episode of the Jamhole! We’re back with the first episode of March in this beautiful new year we’re careening uncontrollably through. Grab on to the OH SHIT handle and enjoy the ride!

I hope you all enjoyed the head to head at the end of episode 826. That as well as the Grift Tracks are up on the Patronus. Thanks for the support! If you have a suggestion for a show for us to make fun of, come join the TG and let us know!

leave us a review
It’s nice to be loved…

Remember when people used to leave reviews and ratings on iTunes? Maybe we can get some reviews from the 20’s.

Did it hurt? When you out of bed from heaven?

So either someone tried to break in, BJ is hallucinating, or we have a ghost situation here.

Everyday People Everyday Shit

Make sure you check out the homie Ant Pruitt’s podcast Everyday People, Everyday Shit.

Tails would be so dope though…

Finally, after years of research and billions and billions of dollars, we know why humans don’t have tails.

Are you a clip or a plug sorta person?

The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan

If you aren’t depressed already, the Pleb Book Club is currently reading Peter Zeihan’s The End of the World is Just the Beginning.

from Russia with love
From Russia with love… and depression.

A message in a bottle? Not quite. A message in a balloon. From Russia… with love.

Some fishers of men have found a possible spy balloon in Alaska.

great white shark
We’re gonna need a bigger boat…

The Jamholia Headline of the week. This one is called 16-foot-long shark bites stranded pygmy whale’s head off as human tries to rescue it.

here's your drug ticket

Portland showing up this week, late, and stinking like piss and fentanyl.

RIP King

Rest in Prince Richard Lewis, you was a real one. Especially in Robinhood Men in Tights.

Jesus nightclub

Show of hands, how many of y’all have been to a Jesus nightclub?

We’ve got a Telegram channel for the Jamhole! Come hang out and say hi. This is where the live shows are happening when they happen, usually on Sunday evenings, on or before 9pm Pacific time.

Follow Mat on Instagram here for the latest bars on Bar Keepers, and random pictures.

Follow the Jamhole on Twitter so you know when the show goes live and new episodes are published.

You can follow BJ here on X, and here on IG. You should probably also follow Molly Racs.

Ben also has an IG, which you can find here, and be sure to follow him on X.

Take the Money
Take the Money
Clown Ass Shit House
Imagine the Smell
Imagine the Smell™
GM Fam!
GM Fam!
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares

Check out the first two EP’s released by Finn Martin AKA Mat Lee and RAC FM Records.
Ep 1 is Little Nightmares, Imagine the Smell™, GM Fam, and PLUNDR all available now on Bandcamp, OmniFlix, and OpenSea.
Ep 2 is Kosmosovo, Take the Money, C.A.S.H., and the Art of Bork Bork (not released yet), also available on Stargaze (maybe) and Bandcamp (definitely).

You can find the Jamhole on SpotifyApple, and Google podcasts.

If you would like to donate to the show, hit up the Donate page.

By Finn

Creating dope shit since the chromosome split...