Ep 219: HPV


“That’s why she has the big smiley face on.”

It’s a long hard road out of hell for those who have been there and back. Once you see and experience these things, you are never the same. No matter how much of a bad ass you think you might be, or how hard you are, we are all human on the inside. Some of us just happen to be a little more human than others. I really hate when we try and change something, or make something better and that ends up breaking everything. I have never experienced anything more frustrating than trying to get an RSS feed to do what it’s supposed to. Perhaps it’s just that I am not well versed in the ways of RSS, but it doesn’t seem like it should be this hard. Like I said before, until this gets fixed, you can subscribe to the podcast gangbang feed, or just download the episodes from our site then put them on your ipod or whatever. I hate having to do it this way, but I honestly am out of ideas.

  • Let’s welcome hip hop producer / rapper IQ to the jamhole studio. He is having a party here in Kalispell on July 24th. So if you wanna see IQ rap, hang out with the jamhole, come join us at the Flathead Valley Elks Lodge. If you would like to hear him rap, check out his track “Four Twenty” at the end of this episode.
  • Throwing hip hop shows and bringing some nice rappers up here.
  • Can our cult have a meeting at your bar? We promise we won’t kill ourselves there.
  • Chinamerica the decline of paradise by G.A. Beck. This is what happens when you join a comet cult. Danni knows some interesting people. If they are riding the comet, why don’t they come back and get you?
  • It’s the craziest people that are the most fun to talk to.
  • Danni finally blew up her cyst, and got a haircut, and HPV, which will most likely end up causing cancer because her immune system sucks.
  • Eventually if you have sex, everyone gets HPV. At least that’s what they tell you to make you feel better.
  • What did we learn from this? A lot more about HPV than anyone would have liked. I’m really glad she brought this up while we had a guest.
  • Violachick calls in and tells us about wrecking Cheese’s back. Nice work!
  • We talk about IQ and his music a little bit, and coming up in the web 2.0 world. We also learn that Mat’s hip hop career is done.
  • We are really looking forward to Danni going through menopause at the age of 24.
  • Let’s do some blowjob math. Danni wishes penis cancer on Mat. She really can be a bitch sometimes.
  • Impersonating catholic preists, firefighters, and more!
  • Do you notice how Danni can’t stop bringing up the fact that she thinks Mat gave her HPV and cervical cancer?
  • Getting stabbed because you were watching porn. That fucking sucks dude.
  • Fuck my life, fuck her life, fuck all of our lives. That’s just how it goes.

By Finn

Creating dope shit since the chromosome split...

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