TJH 671: The Paranoia Trend


“The stoner life does seem to be a lot of waiting.” The leaves are changing and the rain seems to be a part of the landscape now. MDS has made the cross country trek to come hang out in beautiful Jamholia. Of course when that happens we need to do a show. So here it…… Continue reading TJH 671: The Paranoia Trend

TJH 670: The Depression and the Holocaust


“You literally are living on each others dicks and balls there.” It’s the day before my birthday, the leaves are turning and all you ladies are probably trying to figure out which slutty character you’ll dress up as for Halloween this year. All in all things have been great since we last spoke. Barter Faire…… Continue reading TJH 670: The Depression and the Holocaust

TJH 669: Evil Spider Spirits


“She has a designation now.” A mostly wise man once asked me, what are you passionate about? I thought long and hard about it, and out of all the things I’m down with in this world, what am I actually passionate about? Weed? Music? Sex? Podcasting? If I had to pick one thing, I’d say…… Continue reading TJH 669: Evil Spider Spirits