TJH 834: Baby Bitch Bickering


Today on episode 834 of the Jamhole free comedy podcast, our heroes discuss writing a parenting book for dummies, Bork Bork mint, snails, some Fallout and Dune 2 spoilers, the Champ, elephant escape, and so much more.

TJH 700: Vagina Majoris


“I don’t know how much more clinical I can get.” Happy leap year day y’all! Thanks for checking out another episode of the Jamhole. This one is number 700! I know right? That sure is some commitment. Join us for a little jaunt down memory lane. We’ve laughed, we’ve loved, we’ve lived. It’s been one…… Continue reading TJH 700: Vagina Majoris

Ep 263: Butthole Pucker


“For some reason they always want head in my crouch.” It continues to blow my mind on a daily basis the things you so called civilized rational humans accept as truth. For one, I find it quite sad that you are willing to blow thousands of dollars on bullshit homeopathic remedies, yet you get all…… Continue reading Ep 263: Butthole Pucker

Ep 254: Dead Churches


“My dildo is porn, your dildo is a dildo.” Dead churches make up the majority of middle to larger sized towns, and we all know what’s inside dead churches. Dead people. Actually not dead in the sense the heartbeat stops and we bury you in the ground (or cremate you and put you in a…… Continue reading Ep 254: Dead Churches