Ep 232: Kidfights


“We do live like trash don’t we.” When the saints go marching in, blinded by their own sin we rarely have a chance to connect. Floating around the ether instinctively following some pre programmed ordinance to fuck themselves off so perfectly, that some have said god actually appears to catch the ejaculate right as its…… Continue reading Ep 232: Kidfights

Ep 231: Jamhole Church


“I’m watching True Blood with my cat!” Are you a member of skull church? Are you a member of jamhole church? It’s like a church, but we believe in ourselves. We live our lives moment to moment, day to day, month to month and when shit starts to suck, we don’t really give a shit,…… Continue reading Ep 231: Jamhole Church

Ep 230: Gog and Magog


“Tomorrow I’m going to kill someone in the name of god.” Let me tell you a little story about a person, male or female so as not to offend the latter, who had one dream his whole life. He was allowed only one dream, but as soon as he chose what that dream would be,…… Continue reading Ep 230: Gog and Magog

Ep 229: Happiness


“Don’t laugh afterwards, that doesn’t make it right.” Do you ever get writers block? Just a huge black empty nothing sitting in between your mind and your paper. It happens to the best of us, and probably to everyone else as well. Those who choose to write more than just a bounced check here and…… Continue reading Ep 229: Happiness

Ep 228: A Moment of Clarity


“If the dick hole guy can do this I can do this.” Everything is dying. From the moment of birth every carbon based life form counts the years which blur into months that dissipate into days which dissolve into hours that change into minutes which are made up of seconds that go tick tock, tick…… Continue reading Ep 228: A Moment of Clarity

Ep 227: Be Cool


“I know that’s not going to accomplish anything.” As hot as it gets in here, we manage to stay cool. Are you cool? If you listen to this show, of course you are. You have that heightened sense of awareness that only comes with being a Jamhole listener. You walk with an extra smooth demeanor…… Continue reading Ep 227: Be Cool

Ep 226: You Been Served


“You had to have known this was gonna happen right?” Sometimes life can be very overwhelming, and you might wanna just give in and give up. But then other times you feel like you are on top of the world and nothing can stop you. It’s this ebb and flow that makes life worth living,…… Continue reading Ep 226: You Been Served

Ep 225: Old Faithful


“This is kinda like a dildo.” Oh come all ye faithful, blindly marching off to war. My life seems like an endless struggle, and as we all know, when too much tension is placed on the rope, eventually the rope snaps. I snap each and every day, sometimes multiple times a day. It’s like my…… Continue reading Ep 225: Old Faithful

Ep 224: Not So Fresh


“I actually had some stinky pussy my first time and it turned me off to that shit.” Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to force upon you all of our old dying traditions, in hopes that they may keep you trapped in an ancient, unevolved way of life, to hate and to scorn, in…… Continue reading Ep 224: Not So Fresh

Ep 223: Binker


“I have semen in my bladder right now, no big deal.” Welcome to our special Saturday episode of The Jamhole. We are doing this for two reasons. One, I counted wrong when I was figuring out what day our 250th episode live audience party would be, so we needed an extra episode to make it…… Continue reading Ep 223: Binker