TJH 676: The Cosmic Breath


“Do you listen to anything we talk about here?” Here we go with another episode of the Jamhole. Almost back on a somewhat regular, weekly schedule. I’ll tell you what, it feels good. We have a great show here for episode 676. Sit back, relax, blaze one up and enjoy the banter. Getting old isn’t…… Continue reading TJH 676: The Cosmic Breath

TJH 675: Skeptical Me


“That’s ASMR you’re feeling.” Thanks for checking out another episode of the Jamhole. Mat and BJ back at it chatting about all sorts of shit that’s super relevant to your life. Kick back, relax, and enjoy this time we share together with you. Life is short after all, and you’ll definitely want to stick around…… Continue reading TJH 675: Skeptical Me

TJH 674: Guilty Pleasure


“You’re not exactly 21 anymore, but it’s worth a try.” Welcome back to another episode of the Jamhole. Mat and BJ back at it chopping up the shit as they say. We’re having a sale for the month of April at our little heady glass shop, SPOG. Sweet Piece of Glass is where to go…… Continue reading TJH 674: Guilty Pleasure

TJH 672: The Homeless


“Uhh Ok, that makes zero sense, thanks.” How’s that for a hiatus? Three years huh? Well, let’s not dwell on the past, but look to the future with the ceaseless awe of a newborn. Like I said in the show, I will be putting in minimal effort this time around. A lot more people know…… Continue reading TJH 672: The Homeless

TJH 667: The First Millenial


“Fuck your way to a plumper, fuller vagina.” Mmm, the beginning of August and already a new episode of the Jamhole. Thanks for joining us. We have for you, what I feel like is a pretty damn good episode this evening. There’s some visual stuff, so you might want to check out the live episode…… Continue reading TJH 667: The First Millenial

TJH 659: Time Sensitive Shit


“I don’t see the cops here putting our motherfucking mailbox back up.” It’s March, and we’re back from our snowmobile cabin trip in High Country in Wyoming. Back with episode 659 of the Jamhole for all the good citizens of Jamholia. The seasons are changing and things are happening. Transitions are transitioning, and I’m about…… Continue reading TJH 659: Time Sensitive Shit

TJH 652: Rump Tap


“I was at work, and this asshole showed up.” We’re back and it hasn’t even been a month yet. Look what the cat left on our porch! It’s Puffer! Duncan is back for a quick check in with his friend Willis. He says he drove all the way here to do a show and get…… Continue reading TJH 652: Rump Tap

TJH 649: Both Girls


“I’m curious about your mental history now.” It feels like it’s been so long, but it’s really only been a couple of months. The end of June was the last episode, and here we are back with another one at the end of August. It’s good to check in with the world every now and…… Continue reading TJH 649: Both Girls

TJH 648: You Quit


“I feel bad that you feel bad.” Jim Morrison said it best, this is the end. Well, not exactly the end, but a hiatus of sorts. Puffer is moving away and I have a ton of other shit that I should focus my time on. I will be recording little discussions with people here and…… Continue reading TJH 648: You Quit

TJH 614: Homeless Shelter


“I love you Internet!” Welcome back to another fun filled episode of our weekly comedy podcast the Jamhole! We sure have a treat for you on tonight’s show. Robby is back, and so is Jazlin! Do you remember Robby? I think the last time he was on the show it was episode 573, way back…… Continue reading TJH 614: Homeless Shelter