TJH 593: Mr. Winkle


“If your listening with headphones, he’s learning and I apologize.” Another week another episode of our free comedy podcast, The Jamhole. Be sure to join us live on Friday night’s, usually around 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Jamhole TV. Other than that, just keep up with us throughout the week on the Google+ community.…… Continue reading TJH 593: Mr. Winkle

TJH 579: My Name is Bunny


“It really turns me off.” Well then, I don’t quite remember when the last time we did a show was, but I’m sure the site will tell you if you ask it. It’s good to be back, under the circumstances. We once again look forward to bringing you mostly humorous content at least once every…… Continue reading TJH 579: My Name is Bunny

Ep 233: Prawns!


“How many alien jokes could you fit in here you faggot?” You push it in, you pull it out, you repeat. How long can this go on for before you just wanna pull it in, then push it out, then blow your fucking brains out all over the place? As humans we are known for…… Continue reading Ep 233: Prawns!