The Jamhole 734: Stepping Stone


“Oh, so you want a cock pic instead…” It’s Sunday night so it must be time for a new episode of the Jamhole. Thanks for checking out number 734 here. We’ve been streaming these episodes live on the r/Dabs discord server, so if you’re into that sort of thing hop on and say hi! On…… Continue reading The Jamhole 734: Stepping Stone

TJH 689: Dick Ghost


“You make it sound like I just got my period.” Tonight on the Jamhole, Mat, BJ, and Ben have another fun roommate therapy session, and you get to listen in? The proverbial fly on the wall… That’s you. Guess what? That’s right. Chicken butt. Read more for show notes and pictures. Don’t forget, Plan B…… Continue reading TJH 689: Dick Ghost

TJH 638: Maximum Head Room


“I’m not rationalizing his rape…” Better than ever another episode of that clever and cleverer rendered strictly for your indentured pleasure receptors. Those pesky idea inventors with spiney endeavors for finding the center of the first nine descendants of measure. Is that yours spinning on a tic tac tour of not winning or losing or…… Continue reading TJH 638: Maximum Head Room

TJH 624: Rich and Heinous


“He should honorably discharge himself.” Hello and welcome back to another fabulous episode of our weekly comedy shit show, The Jamhole. If you listen to this show and enjoy what we do, we’re proud to consider you an official Jamholian. If not, then feel free to fuck right off. Want to secure yourself a place…… Continue reading TJH 624: Rich and Heinous

TJH 607: Catastrophe in the Making


“Guys can be pretty much whatever we want whenever we really want to be it.” Another week, another comedy podcast. We’re back after a little vacation from the show last week due to some Puffer made bologna sandwiches. If listening to this show for all these years has taught you one thing, it’s that you…… Continue reading TJH 607: Catastrophe in the Making

TJH 581: Rose Petals


“I can smell your sex over here.” Hello and welcome to another off white humor filled episode of your favorite, mostly weekly comedy podcast, The Jamhole! You know who I am and you know who she is, so I’ll skip with the pleasantries and get right into it. In this episode we talk about some…… Continue reading TJH 581: Rose Petals

Ep 291: Operation Stop and Think


“I remember my mom and dad having this same arguement when I was 5.” Another year, another decade in the history books. Although your children won’t read about it until the next decade, because the history books they have in school are that out dated. Maybe in the great year 2010, we’ll figure out how…… Continue reading Ep 291: Operation Stop and Think

Ep 282: Rape Child


“I can’t strip to this.” There’s something wrong with the world today, I don’t know what it is. Oh wait a minute, yes I do. I have a long list of shit that seriously needs to stop happening before we can continue to evolve as a society, as a species, and as individual human beings.…… Continue reading Ep 282: Rape Child