TJH 641: Bone Clone


“Have you ever decided someone’s fate… On WEED man?” Thanks for checking out episode 641 of the Jamhole. We have a pretty amazing show for you this time around. Pardon all the snowmobile chat in the last few episodes, but at least winter is over now right? Want to be a part of the snowmobile…… Continue reading TJH 641: Bone Clone

TJH 631: Probabilistically Speaking


“I’ve only totalled two cars while wasted, so no qualms.” Right on schedule with another fantastic episode of the Jamhole. Thank you for checking out the show, as without you the listener, we’d pretty much just be here talking to ourselves. Make sure to check out the Google+ community and follow us on Facebook and…… Continue reading TJH 631: Probabilistically Speaking

TJH 628: Duck Dynasty Action Figures


“Oregon has drugs there, why are you huffing duster?” A day late and a dollar short, but that’s just how it goes sometimes here in Jamholia. Back with another episode of this shit. What a fucking week. I hope to never deal with a week like that again, but you know I’ll have to. It’s…… Continue reading TJH 628: Duck Dynasty Action Figures



“Then I got all angry at everything, for no reason.” What’s going on Jamholia? It’s Friday which means it’s time for another episode of our weekly comedy podcast! Join myself, Puffer and Robby as we try to make sense of this crazy world we live in, one fucked up story at a time. This Friday…… Continue reading TJH 627: RAAAAWWWWWRRRR

TJH 624: Rich and Heinous


“He should honorably discharge himself.” Hello and welcome back to another fabulous episode of our weekly comedy shit show, The Jamhole. If you listen to this show and enjoy what we do, we’re proud to consider you an official Jamholian. If not, then feel free to fuck right off. Want to secure yourself a place…… Continue reading TJH 624: Rich and Heinous

TJH 607: Catastrophe in the Making


“Guys can be pretty much whatever we want whenever we really want to be it.” Another week, another comedy podcast. We’re back after a little vacation from the show last week due to some Puffer made bologna sandwiches. If listening to this show for all these years has taught you one thing, it’s that you…… Continue reading TJH 607: Catastrophe in the Making

TJH 601: Work the Math


“Take your dentures out.” Not quite as amazing as episode 600 in title, but more so in content. This is episode 601 of the Jamhole. Thanks for checking out our weekly “comedy” show. Mat Lee here with Duncan Puffer talking stupid shit about stupid shit. It’s 4/19, do you have a minute? I’m sure everyone…… Continue reading TJH 601: Work the Math

TJH 596: Blanket Operation


“He’s about to get dumped because of this.” Mat Lee and Duncan Puffer back at it again with another hilariously great episode of our weekly comedy podcast, The Jamhole. I have to bring this up here because of how important to us it is, but you will also hear it on the show. Before the…… Continue reading TJH 596: Blanket Operation

TJH 583: Safety First


“Why do you want to watch me hang out on Facebook?” Hello and welcome to episode 583 of the Jamhole free comedy podcast. Once again getting through another week or two of the complete and utter bullshit we call life to bring you life, revisited. Life imitating art imitating bullshit. Things are slowly getting back…… Continue reading TJH 583: Safety First

TJH 581: Rose Petals


“I can smell your sex over here.” Hello and welcome to another off white humor filled episode of your favorite, mostly weekly comedy podcast, The Jamhole! You know who I am and you know who she is, so I’ll skip with the pleasantries and get right into it. In this episode we talk about some…… Continue reading TJH 581: Rose Petals