TJH 826: The Ultimate Rebound


Today on episode 826 of the Jamhole we discuss feds and nazis and how to tell the difference, getting ate up by your own dogs in Compton, joy riding a backhoe, and so much more.

Also be sure to stick around until the very end for a 20 minute special which puts two media moguls head to head in a bit called Master Journalist.

TJH 819: Ears, Rears, and Tears


Today on episode 819 of the Jamhole comedy podcast, our heroes discuss silly Christmas shit, the most Florida thing we’ve heard all week, Pleb Book Club updates, and figuring out which is worse, dealing with Ben, or dealing with interns.

TJH 773: Scrambler


I’m told it’s been 14 years today since we started this thing. I don’t think I’ve done anything with that much regularity, at least not for that long. It would have been disappointing if this shit ended up any other way but how it did. So I’m glad for that. It’s been well worth it so far. Thanks for listening!