Ep 246: Bang Bang!


“Those are blanks, right?” In a civilized world, parents don’t shoot their kids trying to kill them. Unless of course, the kid is trying to kill the parents. But in a civilized world, the kids should never kill the parents. It does happen, and probably more than you think. That means either this is not…… Continue reading Ep 246: Bang Bang!

Ep 245: Neosemen


“You know that cum heals everything right?” There are many things in life and the reality the media and those in control have created for us that I could really give a fuck less about. A couple of those things are starting up again, as they are seasonal annoyances. The VMA’s being one of them,…… Continue reading Ep 245: Neosemen

Ep 243: So Sorry


“I look down at my dick and my dick looks up at me and I just start laughing, uncontrollably.” I hate when it’s really quiet in the room, and I’m staring at my computer, and all of the sudden I can hear the cat licking itself. I look at the cat in disgust and I’m…… Continue reading Ep 243: So Sorry

Ep 241: Politics


“Your job is to purposely not help anyone.” The moral of the story is just sit back, relax and smoke some weed. There is absolutely nothing you can do that is going to make a bit of good increase anywhere, for any amount of time. So fuck it. I like to increase my inner good…… Continue reading Ep 241: Politics

Ep 239: Demolition Man


“If you need to suck a dick, then suck a dick dude.” You know something, I came home today after my route was done just so I could do the show notes so I wouldn’t have to do them later tonight. I ended up taking a few bong rips, staring at the Internet for a…… Continue reading Ep 239: Demolition Man

Ep 237: Kitty Box


“Wow, who let the lesbian in?” With all this talk about vaccines causing autism, and government population control, and buying natural homeopathic remedies, I think all of the people that now live in the Flathead Valley have gone completely nuts. Lately there has been a rash of these anti vaccination flyers stating things like vaccines…… Continue reading Ep 237: Kitty Box

Ep 236: Old Enough


“There were clones of me, and you were fucking me, in front of me.” Did you ever stop to think how the ghostbusters got their particle accelerators so small? Especially back in the 80s. That’s a noteworthy feat. Also, I’d like to thank my grandmother for being a part of this world for 84 years,…… Continue reading Ep 236: Old Enough

Ep 235: Y Jacking


“God doesn’t exist, you’re a fucking idiot.” Of course I’m kidding when I say this, and you just being here is proof of that scenario. Just read the goddamn show notes. So if you wanna see us in person, thejamhole.com/250. The time is coming soon. Cool stuff you can send us to P.O. Box 3652…… Continue reading Ep 235: Y Jacking

Ep 234: Save a Whale


“If you can’t deal, you’re a faggot.” With everything happening in the world today, most of it affecting everyone on a larger scale, it amazes me people still find the time to complain and be  bothered about stupid shit. He called me a skank on his blog, she made a sign that makes fun of…… Continue reading Ep 234: Save a Whale

Ep 233: Prawns!


“How many alien jokes could you fit in here you faggot?” You push it in, you pull it out, you repeat. How long can this go on for before you just wanna pull it in, then push it out, then blow your fucking brains out all over the place? As humans we are known for…… Continue reading Ep 233: Prawns!