Ep 275: Sticky Stuff


“I don’t want to feel any scruff on my balls.” The world is going to end December 21st, 2012, or so I’ve been told… What’s really funny is there are people out there who actually believe this crap. I was listening to the SGU (Skeptics Guide to the Universe) recently and someone they were interviewing…… Continue reading Ep 275: Sticky Stuff

Ep 257: Best Produced


“I don’t believe in evidence, I believe in magic and rainbows.” The world teeters on the brink of complete destruction as we quickly approach a total world population of seven billion people. I feel like this might be a tad too many for our planet to support. The scary thing is, that even though we…… Continue reading Ep 257: Best Produced

Ep 254: Dead Churches


“My dildo is porn, your dildo is a dildo.” Dead churches make up the majority of middle to larger sized towns, and we all know what’s inside dead churches. Dead people. Actually not dead in the sense the heartbeat stops and we bury you in the ground (or cremate you and put you in a…… Continue reading Ep 254: Dead Churches