TJH 617: Fill in the Blank


“No, you can’t fucking borrow my shit.” Episode 617 of the Jamhole, so hit play and listen up. I’m only going to say this once. Nevermind, I forgot what I was going to say. Mat Lee, Puffer, and Robby sitting at the round table talking some shit for the week. Actually it’s more of an…… Continue reading TJH 617: Fill in the Blank

TJH 594: The Cuddles Club


“We do not condone this activity in any way, shape or form.” Back on track with another hilariously funny episode of your favorite weekly comedy podcast, The Jamhole. Mat Lee here as usual with some show notes for the first episode of March in the year of our lord 2013. On episode 594 I’m joined…… Continue reading TJH 594: The Cuddles Club

TJH 592: A Fine and Pleasant Misery


“Don’t bring my testicles into it like that, they’re precious.” The Jamhole free comedy podcast, back at it once again. Come check the live shows every Friday evening around 6 or 7 our time. We also have a new Google+ community which we make events for each episode on. Check it out. Anyway, here’s some…… Continue reading TJH 592: A Fine and Pleasant Misery

TJH 591: Hindsight Insight


“If you knew that, would you have done anything different?” Here you go, another freshly funny awkwardly interesting episode of the Jamhole. You know, the Jamhole? It’s our weekly comedy show. We have Duncan back to host another great episode bringing to light all sorts of stupid shit. On tonight’s episode we have a new…… Continue reading TJH 591: Hindsight Insight

TJH 584: Watch This


“This was like borderline Clockwork Orange brainwashing.” Howdy Jamholia! It’s been a minute since our last episode, and a whole lot of shit has transpired in the mean time. Mat Lee here as per usual, joined by the lovely Bunny holding it down for yet another episode of our usually weekly, always free comedy podcast.…… Continue reading TJH 584: Watch This

TJH 583: Safety First


“Why do you want to watch me hang out on Facebook?” Hello and welcome to episode 583 of the Jamhole free comedy podcast. Once again getting through another week or two of the complete and utter bullshit we call life to bring you life, revisited. Life imitating art imitating bullshit. Things are slowly getting back…… Continue reading TJH 583: Safety First

Ep 270: Quantum Leap


“I’m not a doctor, and the device is what does the work on your body.” It’s now the evening of Thursday, November 12th 2009, and I just got finished up another long back breaking day of work. The only thought running laps in my mind has been the surreal fact that in the next 24…… Continue reading Ep 270: Quantum Leap