Ep 260: Sex Monster


“Would you say the internet has made you a better fucker, or a worse fucker?” For being as technologically advanced in our civilization and society as we are, we seem to have a strange fascination with creating weapons that have the capability to completely destroy all existence as we know it. We don’t even have just one…… Continue reading Ep 260: Sex Monster

Ep 258: Diss Me Diss You


“Sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade, am I right or am I right?” There comes a time in every podcast’s life where it eventually out grows the space it lives in. If you noticed the account suspended message right after the live show on Wednesday night, all the way through yesterday afternoon, then…… Continue reading Ep 258: Diss Me Diss You

Ep 257: Best Produced


“I don’t believe in evidence, I believe in magic and rainbows.” The world teeters on the brink of complete destruction as we quickly approach a total world population of seven billion people. I feel like this might be a tad too many for our planet to support. The scary thing is, that even though we…… Continue reading Ep 257: Best Produced

Ep 256: Gangsterism


“Just put it in your fucking mouth so we can do this and go to sleep.” The news is dead it seems, the people writing it are all dead, the people reading it are all dead. I’m dead as I type this to you right now, and you are dead reading it. What a sad…… Continue reading Ep 256: Gangsterism

Ep 255: Crack the Nuts


“Every time she would say something I would just start humping her.” So I was just outside smoking, in two inches of snow, and it occurred to me. Fuck it’s cold out here. Looks like the big swine flu hype is back, and the big deal about it now is whether or not to get the vaccine.…… Continue reading Ep 255: Crack the Nuts

Ep 254: Dead Churches


“My dildo is porn, your dildo is a dildo.” Dead churches make up the majority of middle to larger sized towns, and we all know what’s inside dead churches. Dead people. Actually not dead in the sense the heartbeat stops and we bury you in the ground (or cremate you and put you in a…… Continue reading Ep 254: Dead Churches

Ep 253: Pull Out


“Why is my weed dealer selling birth control now?” I’ve been in love with words since we first met. When I was old enough to know what a words worth, I took a trip to the dictionary and that’s when I knew I was hooked. You looking perfectly beautiful, your eyes dotted with a shade…… Continue reading Ep 253: Pull Out

Ep 252: Smokers Welcome


“Sometimes chicks just wanna fuck!” We learn a lot in tonight’s episode of the jamhole. For example, the feminine name Zoe is actually pronounced Zoey. Who would have thought? Not me that’s for sure. I also find it interesting that people who claim to be the  most religious are without a doubt, the most hypocritical, ignorant, self…… Continue reading Ep 252: Smokers Welcome

Ep 251: Catch Your Dinner


“Try not to look scared Johnny!” The last guest has left, the laughs have been laughed, and things are for the most part, put back together the way they were. What we have to show for it? About 24 gigs of video, over 500 pictures, and some negative monies in the old  bank account. It…… Continue reading Ep 251: Catch Your Dinner