Ep 283: The Chosen People


“Nothing I like more than huffing nail polish fumes and listening to the 700 club.” So I finally caught the first three episodes of this new phenomenon sweeping our nation called Jersey Shores. My first thought upon watching this Mtv amtrak trainwreck was holy fucking shit, are these people for real? I guess living in…… Continue reading Ep 283: The Chosen People

Ep 282: Rape Child


“I can’t strip to this.” There’s something wrong with the world today, I don’t know what it is. Oh wait a minute, yes I do. I have a long list of shit that seriously needs to stop happening before we can continue to evolve as a society, as a species, and as individual human beings.…… Continue reading Ep 282: Rape Child

Ep 281: Sexcapades


“That’s one of the fringe benefits of being a homo is punching bitches.” Every now and then there comes a time when bitches go and over step their boundaries. This has happened twice before in Jamhole history, where we actually took notice enough to put the call out to all Jamholians, to put a bitch…… Continue reading Ep 281: Sexcapades

Ep 280: Fear


“Yea, they fuck sheep and stuff, so…” Today I took a stroll around the writer’s block, needing to go out for some fresh air. The air was chilly, the clouds hung in place like large cottony fluff. Don’t step on a crack, or else you break your mother’s back. I wonder what happens if you…… Continue reading Ep 280: Fear

Ep 279: Overeaters Anonymous


“You got so upset because I said you had a small dick.” Ok, so I got an early press copy of the new Snoop Dogg album entitled “Malice N Wonderland” because obviously we are press, and I just have to say, I don’t understand anymore. The intro, and every single song has a reference to…… Continue reading Ep 279: Overeaters Anonymous

Ep 278: Cool Whip


“Satan outed me as a cock smoking fairy.” And now I present to you an excerpt from my conversations online with religious people. This is in response to me asking her how she got caught up with the fresh life church movement here. This is word for word in case you were curious. Keep in…… Continue reading Ep 278: Cool Whip

Ep 277: African American Friday


“You’re going to pee for me today.” Oh my fucking goodness gracious great balls of fire, what a fucking episode. First of all I would like to give a huge inviting welcome to any members of our esteemed Kalispell Police Department that might be listening, mining evidence, building a case against whoever they might be…… Continue reading Ep 277: African American Friday

Ep 275: Sticky Stuff


“I don’t want to feel any scruff on my balls.” The world is going to end December 21st, 2012, or so I’ve been told… What’s really funny is there are people out there who actually believe this crap. I was listening to the SGU (Skeptics Guide to the Universe) recently and someone they were interviewing…… Continue reading Ep 275: Sticky Stuff

Ep 273: Walka Walka 4000


“Our future is in such jeopardy it’s not even funny.” So I’m doing my route today just like I would any other normal Thursday, and I drive by this karate dojo of sorts. Now, I say karate as a generic term for whatever kind of special martial arts they teach. I’m not exactly sure what…… Continue reading Ep 273: Walka Walka 4000

Ep 272: Baby Girls


“It’s like your dick got lipo and you didn’t get the stomach staple with it because your broke.” I’m taking the day off. There’s plenty of other shit to read on the internet. I need a break. The new metalocalypse season is fucking awesome. The new Venture Bros season is fucking awesome. Stargate Universe is…… Continue reading Ep 272: Baby Girls